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School Values

Our school values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.


Our Values & Ethos

  • We are committed to safeguarding children and young people and for ensuring they are protected from harm.

  • We provide a caring and safe learning environment in which children develop pride and respect for themselves and others and enjoy their learning.


The Francis Baily School Vision: ‘Improving Every Day’

We believe that by striving to be better every day the progress we can make in our learning is limitless.

Learning at Francis Baily is an active process that enables us to further develop our knowledge, skills and understanding.


Our key drivers to creating this are:

Resilience       Aspiration           Respect           Curiosity       Courage       Collaboration


Which means, everyone will:

  • show resilience in their learning and keep going even when we are finding it difficult. We will use many different strategies to develop our understanding. We work with other people and can build positive relationships with everyone. Resilience in our learning and a willingness to keep going where the learning appears difficult, underpins our approach to learning.
  • aspire to be better every day and believe in themselves so we can all achieve than we thought was possible. We help and support each other to believe we can be better each day.
  • show respect for each other, it is vital to our learning community. We will be honest when we have a problem or are upset and work out any difficulties with that person. We will be kind, caring and thoughtful towards others no matter who they are.
  • encourage all to be curious, excited to learn and show enjoyment. We want everyone to have awe and wonder moments, where they start to understand something that they didn’t.