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Jigsaw at Francis Baily

At Francis Baily, we use Jigsaw, which is a comprehensive PSHE package, it includes all the up-to-date guidance for Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education . 

Jigsaw is a unique and effective scheme of work used in many schools. The aim is to prepare children/young people for life, and to help them know and value who they are and understand how to relate to others. There are 6 units in total, and they are continuous, however the content of each changes as your child goes up the school. These are Being Me in My World, Celebrating Differences, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. These 6 topics are used in each year group.


Jigsaw is a great way to help children focus on their own personal mental health and wellbeing, this is done in each session using a 'Calm Me' Script, where the teacher reads out a prewritten script to help the children focus and calm their minds and bodies ready to learn. Some children see it as a meditation time, and this is how each Jigsaw lesson starts.

Our Jigsaw Charter

Jigsaw Overview
