School Meals
Menu - 2024/2025 Autumn Term 1
Printable menus
Allergen & Carbs information
Our school catering service is delivered by Innovate Food Group. All meals are 95% fresh, with food sourced locally with a high proportion of organic products. There is a simple payment processes and the ability for your children to order their meals electronically direct from the classroom.
Paying for School Meals
Payment is easy and must be paid in advance as Innovate does not offer any credit facility. Payments and ordering of school meals can be done via your ParentPay account.
Eligible for Free School Meals?
If you are in receipt of income support or the income based job seekers allowance, your child is entitled to receive a free school meal. You can check if you are eligible on the West Berkshire Council website or by calling on 01635 503622.
Please register as the school receives additional resources based on the number of children eligible for free meals. Note: You may also be entitled to pay reduced contributions for extracurricular activities such as school trips if you have registered.
Packed Lunches
We have a Healthy School Policy and as such ask that packed lunches reflect this ethos. Therefore, please do not include fizzy or soft sugary drinks (water, milk or pure juices preferred) or sweets/chocolate based snacks in your child’s lunch box and think again before including salty snacks. Please also do not include nuts or products containing nuts (including but not limited to; Peanut Butter, Nutella, satay sauce, Snickers bars) in your child’s lunch box as some school children have nut allergies.
Special Dietary Requirements
Some children may have specific dietary needs (e.g. for medical or religious reasons). If this is the case, please contact the school office.
School Milk
Pupils are entitled to free milk up to their fifth birthday. At Francis Baily, we’d like all our children in Foundation to be able to drink milk throughout their time in this year and therefore we have decided that this will be paid for by the school.