School Logo

Remote Learning

Parent Information for Remote Learning

Rules for Remote Learning

Keeping in Touch During School Closure

We are doing our best to keep in touch with everybody during the school closure and the lockdown. We are doing this in several ways:

Website: We will try to keep the website updated with any new developments.

Facebook - if haven't already please join our Facebook group. In the Groups tab on Facebook search for Francis Baily Primary School. This group is a private group for the parents of children at school only. When you apply please answer the security questions and include your child's name if your Facebook name does not allow us to easily identify you. There may be a delay in approving as all people are checked against our SIMs database at school and this cannot be done from home. Often this is the fastest way to respond to new Government announcements, but there is also a wealth of good ideas shared by our school community.

Google Classroom -  Details of daily work set are on here and work can be uploaded and shared with the teacher. There are four meets a day for children to access from home. This is the quickest way to contact your child's teacher directly. If you do not have details please email the office.

Email: Important communications are sent by email. Please make sure we have up to date details. We aim to keep the office staffed and email monitored. Please email  with any queries.

Telephone: You can reach the office on 01635 862188.
